Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Just in time!

"Fly away Beautiful" 8x10 oil on canvas


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

A new beginning

So, I've decided i am going to try something new. That new thing is......drum roll.........I am going to start and complete a painting every week! Unless i run out of canvas! I've decided that since i spent all year complaining about the assignments given to me, saying that to me true art comes from inside my mind, not some copy of a picture i took, that i am going to put myself to the test and see what my creative side comes up with! And of course i will be posting pictures of said paintings every week!

Love Kalika

p.s! i took that photo of the little cow eraser during my graduation ceremony, it was handed to our principal when my friend shook her hand, its high time they remembered the art students need and not just the damn football team!